Oh yes! The damn roof is fixed! My car was returned to me yesterday morning. I am so relieved that everything is back to normal. Lesson learned! NEVER put your drinks inside your car!
On another topic, I found these two "push-rods" behind my boot. I took it out for close inspection and found a very stupid mistake from QAF.
Firstly, the "push-rods" were not broken. The only broken parts that I can see is the little white plastic bushing. That white "bushing" can actually be unscrewed and replaced. If you look at the yellow arrow, that is the indicated broken parts. I was told the whole piece needed to be replaced when all you really needed to replace is the two little bushing that maybe costing a few bucks?
The costs of the whole push-rods, labor and this and that costs me $400++

Yesterday it was raining heavily and hopefully tonight will be a calm night.
I can't wait to drive with the top down tonight.
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