Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Display that Caught my attention!

When a car caught your attention, you cannot stop thinking about it.  You will go online or showroom and research as much as you can.  This particular Jeep Grand Cherokee 2012 on displayed at HuaHo Manggis Mall back in June was the one that caught my attention. While my wife was shopping at a pharmacy, I was wondering around nearby shops and noticed a car on display just outside the Mall.  I walked toward it and noticed it was a Grand Cherokee.  At first glance, it wasn't love at first sight nevertheless I asked my wife to check it out when she was done with her shopping.  She agreed it was a very nice SUV.   On the same day, I went home and do a quick research about the Jeep Grand Cherokee online.  This is when I came across the new facelift Jeep SRT 2014 edition.  The more I read the more my interest for this car grew.  The next day I called up my salesman who I bought my Dodge Journey from and asked about the price.  And this is how I ended up buying the JEEP SRT!

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